About Us

This is Dr. Hassan Nameghi from Henry Ford College.  I help students to come up with innovative ideas, publish them, and implement their ideas in real-life applications.

about-hassan-nameghiOver the past years, I have supervised many students who made successful innovations. Specifically, I led a team of students in “NSF Community College Innovation Challenge” competitions in 2015 and 2016. For two consequent years, the teams were selected as one of the best 10 national finalist teams.

  • National Winner Idea in 2015: Real-time Accident Detection on Michigan Highways

Currently, someone has to call 911 after accident occurs, but, who will make the call and how to tell the location. Imagine if a computer system can detect the accident at a real time and alert the dispatch authorities about the location immediately.

  • National Winner Idea in 2016: Rescue Restaurant Food Waste to Address Hunger

About 40% of food in the US goes uneaten. In particular, restaurants account for 15% of these 40% food waste. On the other hand, 14% of Americans are food insecure. The innovative solutions is to make a compact, easy-to-use, and self-automated food preserving machine for restaurants to efficiently preserve the extra food for donation.

This website aims to provide educational help to create innovators.